My First BAD Walgreen's Experience May 23rd- You've Gotta Fight...for your right..TOOO..Coooupon!!

So today I experienced my first bad Walgreen's trip :( The cashier rang up my 5 Suave lotion Q's and I only purchased 4 and 1 Skinny Cow candy (no coupon). I also gave her a $5 RR however it didn't want to accept it. So she called the asst. manager and he tried telling me that I can only have one coupon per purchase. I told him "Yes, and I have several purchases in my transaction." He proceeded to try
 and "school" me on the definition of a purchase & a transaction. He also offered to show me the store policy, I told him I didn't need to see the store policy I had my own copy. He told me he would do my transaction with my multiple coupons THIS time. I said: "No it is okay that I would make my purchases elsewhere" and that I didn't HAVE to make my purchase, it was just a convenience to take advantage of the sale."(I wanted to let him know I was in control of how I spent my money, I purchase out of convenience, not necessity which is when retailers are then in control of how much one spends on an item..when the consumers demand for the product is high) So I left, went to my computer double checked their policy on multiple coupons..still the same. I called the store manager and told him everything and he agreed that I was correct. (DUHHHH!!) He offered for me to return and get my items however I told him that I no longer felt the need to shop at that location and I would just go to my usual store where they knew me. Trying to fix the situation he wanted to know what he could do to correct the issue. I requested that he properly educate his staff especially his "assistant store manager" on their own coupon policy. Ultimately he insisted that I return to the store to receive a $10 gift card and allow him to apologize in person and would also speak with his asst. mgr and let him know he was wrong. Overall satisfied and I will make a trip over there and see what happens. The worst part about this (other than him trying to teach me how to coupon!) is that I had a newbie with me observing the shopping trip and felt irritated that this was her WAG coupon experience and that I didn't not want her to get the wrong impression or get discouraged. We will try again soon!
Score: G4C-1 : Non-Coupon Friendlies- 0!


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